Cod milt

November 12, 2008 on 8:14 pm | In Offal | Comments

You are asking yourself what is cod Milt, also know as soft roes in the UK. In Japan there geographical aliases, including shirako, kiku, and tachi. Well to keep it very simple and straight forward its cod sperm, its only available in the fall and winter months and is a delicacy in Japan.

This dish is a favorite of mine and I serve it on a regular basis at the restaurant during the fall and winter months.

6 Responses to “Cod milt”

  1. Mags says:

    I was so looking forward to this when I was there in October, but it came off the menu.

    How would you describe the taste?

  2. Evan Leichtling says:

    Oh how I love you for putting some of my favorites from school on your menu. Specially the hard to find stuff.

  3. Corrine says:

    LOL, I rather think roe is fish eggs…but they ARE very delicious…

  4. Jesse Vergen says:

    How long do you poach for?
    Does this go before of after the tongues and cheeks?…

  5. Hank says:

    Sorry, man. I’ve tried cod milt — can’t get over the custardy texture. Bravo for using it, though!

  6. [...] Iron Chef repeat (”the soft roe is nice and firm” says Pretty Actress) and on Chris Cosentino’s ‘Offal Good’ blog. Tags: [...]

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