So you want a T-shirt.

November 14, 2006 on 10:37 pm | In Resources | Comments

The long awaited “Lips and Assholes” T-shirts are finally here. They were designed by a good friend of mine Rex Ray. These t-shirts are limited edition and will only be available here. And they’re good fun.

lips and assholes t-shirt
With the holidays right around the corner what could be a better gift then a offalgood t-shirt? Let the world know that you are an offal eater. They’ve been printed on american apparel shirts in a lovely shade of hot dog pink. Eat ‘em up.

Sizes available in mens small threw extra large.
So here is the buisness part of it. The T-Shirts are $30 which includes shipping in the USA. For shipping out of country email me and we can get things sorted.

Make payments to paypal account: [email protected] be sure to include your address and tel# and size. We will get them out to you ASAP.

5 Responses to “So you want a T-shirt.”

  1. Justin says:

    I want this shirt, I am getting into butchery, and I am not the person to waste a dead corpse, so I need stuff to do with it. I good twist on this would be to put a recipe or even an organ chart on the back

  2. JR Prospal says:

    I agree with Justin, an organ chart would be great fun, along with some Offal Good branding as well. Just the website name would be enough to drive traffic back to you.

  3. robert forrest says:

    Hi chris, you must be related to the wheelers with the t shirt of the year award

  4. I just received the t-shirt today and I’m wearing it during prep.

  5. Tom says:

    I am a former chef working with a family cattle company, converting to an all natural philosophy,I have started a chef’s alliance to help steer our mission.
    Would you like to be involved?

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