Offal Meat Markets

October 16, 2007 on 7:54 am | In Offal | Comments

Here is a slew of photos that I have taken on my past 2 trips to Europe, they are from both Italy and London. These photos show the true passion for food that Europeans have and how the whole beast is a very important part of their lives. From a simple game bird to a horse meat butcher, and speciality tripperia all have there place in the daily markets.

7 Responses to “Offal Meat Markets”

  1. Gayle says:

    As an american I was raised by a mom who actually encouraged us to try different things. There are some things I always used to put my nose in the air about but I find as I get older, I become more open minded. Most of the people I know won’t eat beef hearts or chicken hearts and such because they think it’s disgusting. I happen to think properly cooked they taste great! I love the pictures. That butcher sure has a CLEAN area! And it’s displayed so nicely that it makes me want to experiment more and broaden my horizons so to speak. I happened on this site quite by accident and will add it to faves!

  2. Robert says:

    How do you cook the Testicoli Nanzo in the picture?

  3. Robert says:

    ….and what wine would you serve with it?

  4. Adrian says:

    I’am from europe and offal is an amazing part of the animal with great flavour, prep right and cooked right, served with the right componants its the best, what do u americans think most of your HOT DOGS are made out of??????
    Great site keep educating offal might catch on

  5. carolvt says:

    I am an american and we eat everything from the grunt to the squeet.

  6. cory scordo says:

    i love the fact that your trying to get americans to understand.the best meal of your life is out there.u just gotta try it to find it

  7. Monia says:

    Hi I’m from Florence (Italy), I kow well the market shown in the pictures….it’s beautiful and also very traditional. Somehow we still foster the tradition of “eating everything out of the cow”. Have you ever tasted cow’s breast? It’s sweet with a milky taste.
    Come and taste delicious “uncommon” meat!

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