Offal Good Stuff

June 16, 2006 on 3:00 pm | In Offal | Comments

Welcome to Offal Good, an educational and inspirational tool for those who are interested in learning and cooking with offal. Offal Good is a guide and informational source for proper handling and cooking techniques for working with these lost cuts of meat. You will find recipes, food porn, and places to buy and eat offal. Don’t be fooled this isn’t a candy coated website, I am here to tell you all that meat doesn’t come in little color coated Styrofoam containers at your local supermarket. At one point it was a whole animal and yes there were other parts, including bones, blood and guts to that animal, and this is where you can hear all about them. So if this is too much for you already go here for a much sweeter Internet food experience.

12 Responses to “Offal Good Stuff”

  1. BradNelson says:

    This is great! I’m a culinary student and am anxious to literally sink my teeth into offal. I’ve had a little, like liver and sweetbreads, but was very disappointed in my butchery class, as we did not get to sample any offal. As such, I have yet to learn or practice cooking with these foods. I’m definitely bookmarking this site.

  2. Kalle says:

    Hey, this is interesting! Quite the other thing in the world of food blogging, I’d say. I’m trying to rethink my attitude towards offal, because during the last 15 years or so I have dismissed them as disgusting (even though liver was one of my favourites as a child). Now I’m going to change my views, learn to eat and even cook with offal and I’m sure that this site will prove very helpful in that task. There, now it’s bookmarked.

  3. Slade says:

    Chef to Chef its about time.

  4. Diva says:

    Ciao from Florence Italy…
    Great blog ..
    we included a link on our blog
    That we started when we presented a panel with Fergus Henderson last April in Seattle.

    We’re with you!

  5. Charlie Sommers says:

    Years ago, after discharge from the military,
    I worked in a small custom slaughter house in Tennessee. The majority of those having a steer
    processed wanted none of the offal other than the liver. I was in heaven for 7 years, all the sweetbreads, tails, tongues, kidneys, tripe, brains, etc. I could eat at no cost. Smoked cow tongues, brains and eggs, sauted sweetbreads and testicles, creamed kidneys on toast all for nothing. I learned many recipes from a Laotian
    neighbor and still enjoy this kind of eating today. My all time favorite is probably a good bowl of Mexican style menudo for breakfast, as a
    matter of fact, I just ate one. I will be happy to share my recipe with anyone who wants to try it.

  6. Love the porchetta recipe in this months Food Arts.

  7. Buckethead says:

    What is food porn?

  8. coturnix says:

    I had dinner at Incanto last night. The rabbitt was delicious. I’ll be back! Thank you.

  9. Bill Morris says:

    Hi, we really enjoy cooking with offal. I am glad to have stumbled upon this site so I can read and appreicate what others are doing with this. In Seattle, we tend to get a fair amount, yet I tend to need the right “venue” to present our craft. The chef’s table at the Rainier Club is a great place for us. We get in young lambs, goats, pigs etc to use every single part of the beast. I will keep up on your works. Thanks.

  10. Huy says:

    The website for Whole Hog was misspelled. It should be:

    As for “food porn” it’s just pictures of food. Some people like to look at pitchurz of nekked peoples, some like pics of yummy food.

    I like both. Hehe…

    Great site, guys. I heard about it from an article in the Metro paper in San Jose, CA. As a refugee from a 3rd world country (Vietnam), I am proud to say we waste not, want not when it comes to eating animal.

    Everyone eats offal, but most only do so in a blissfully ignorant way. I’m so glad to see other foodies who enjoy this stuff and are putting it front and center instead of keeping it “in the closet.”

    Thanks guys! Great site!

  11. Huy says:

    Actually, the website is

    no www.

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