Going Whole Hog-Salumi Italy’s Preserved Meat

June 25, 2006 on 11:44 pm | In Offal | Comments

A couple months back The San Francisco Chronicle’s Carol Ness came knocking and wanted to talk about cured meats for a story. She wanted to know everything the how’s, why’s, what and where. I opened the door to my kitchen and curing fridges for her to see all, as well as taste everything I had ready to serve. She also visited other chefs in the SF bay area who all gave her there info and opinions like I did.

So you are saying how the fuck does this relate to offal, well all the casing for these meats are intestines of some size, beef bung (yes like beavis and butthead bung hole), middles, bladders. As well as sausage casings in many sizes, Pork, lamb, and beef all sold by the hank. Look at alot of these cured meats they use blood like sanguinaccio, or coppa di testa which uses pigs head and feet, then there is pate campagne which has pork liver, kidneys with belly and shoulder with herbs and spices. These are all historical ways of preserving and using everything of the animal, that goes back to the days when animals were slaughtered on the farm and it was all processed and put up that day to be preserved for the rest of the year.

2 Responses to “Going Whole Hog-Salumi Italy’s Preserved Meat”

  1. sam says:

    I have wanted to make sausages for a long time. I have a book on making charcuterie, I have the sausage attachment for my KitchenAid. But where does a non-chef like me find the casings to contain the sausages to purchase in the Bay Area? Obviously I don’t want a commercial amount of them, just enough to make a pound or two of bangers. And it sounds like there are many different types available – what is best for beginners? thanks for any tips


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