Michael’s head to tail experience

July 11, 2010 on 8:34 pm | In Blog, Offal | Comments

It was a joy to have Michael in the kitchen, I hope it was all he wanted it to be.


Thank you so much for the oppurtunity to work with you and your staff. I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned. It was what I expected and more. My experience in your kitchen allowed me to open up my restaurant even more to offal.

When I got back to my restaurant I came back with a new energy. I saw some amazing food at Incanto during my time there. From cutting edge food with the warm blood mousse to the peasant stlye porridge, an impresssive the combination, I feel a new push for myself and my staff to be the best we can. It was an experience I would not trade for anything and would love to do it again. It you ever need any help in anything I would love to be a part of it.

Thank you again for opening your kitchen to me.

Michael Hudman
Chef/Owner Andrew Michael Italian Kitchen.

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