Newport Life Magazine Cover Story Really?

December 1, 2009 on 9:18 pm | In Blog, Press | Comments


When I graduated from high school in 1990, It was said by most that I would end up in prison. That was the fire I needed to drive the train. So what did I do I put my head down and read cookbooks, and worked, worked and did I say work, then read a little more. Giving up vacations, family funerals and celebrations to push myself to succeed. There was even a bet of $10 grand that I would fail and come crawling home to Newport by a relative. By the way you owe me Auntie Sandy! So when I got a call fromNewport Life Magazine to do an interview I thought it was ironic. To read the interview click on the link below.
Newport Life Magazine NLM_HOL09_Cosentino

4 Responses to “Newport Life Magazine Cover Story Really?”

  1. tari says:

    Wonderful article. Nice to learn so much about your history.
    My husband and I have been trying to incorporate more of the head to tail in our cooking. First, it was with giblets and livers (By the by, managed to get a hand-sized liver from a store bought duck!), and then we were offered some beef tongue and cheek. There are many identical recipes for both, but we wanted to try something different. I tackled the tongue with an Irish Stout braising recipe I’ve usually used on tri-tip. My husband tackled the cheek with a cross between confit and braising. Both turned out really well. However, we would LOVE to see you put out a cookbook to help us aspiring to be home head-to-tailers. Any chance???
    Also, another way we have tried to show appreciation to the animal on our plate in front of us is by acknowledging it and thanking it before we eat. Sometimes, to truly make us aware – we make little animal sounds. Odd, but effective.
    Thank you for helping to bring us closer to the earth’s marvelous animals!

  2. Al Cambronne says:

    Congratulations! But you earned it. It takes hard work, and it takes guts!


  3. Matt Schilling says:

    Hey Chris,

    Keep up the awesome work. I attended URI for a year and really got a great sense of all the culinary wonders that exist up there. Great Food, Great People.

    -Matt Schilling

  4. Georjann says:

    I am First Nation from Canada and I can appreciate your love, passion and last but not least your respect for head to tail cooking. Where I’m from we give a great deal of thanks to each animal the we hunt and its environment ( as the environment contibutes to the health and well being of an animal), and how we show this is by laying Tobacco which in our culture is an offering of thanks to “Mother Earth”. Now I know this all may sound a bit qwarky but hey its how we show our appreciation, not to mention we use “EVERY” part of the animal from cheeks right to the fur and hide to sew “Moccasins” and/or other clothing items.

    So with that little blurb, I am pleased to see such motivation and ambition in the culinary industry. I plan to be there as well some day…sooner than later I hope

    Georjann Morriseau
    Ontario, Canada

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