Innards Working streaming video.

August 6, 2007 on 9:28 pm | In Videos, Offal | Comments

So most of you know I have alot of opinions about things, especially about Offal. Here is a chance for you to hear it straight from the horses mouth me. filmed me a few months back for 2 days and got a whole bunch of great video footage, it has been turned into 8 clips which include my thoughts on PETA , factory farming and my first offal experience.
Here is the direct link to Innards Working.


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  1. Awsome Clips.

    Comment by Brandon — August 7, 2007 #

  2. I was happy to see that you mention seeing or participating in a slaughter, you’ve mentioned it earlier in your blog. I was getting tired of the meat puppet jokes while our prep cooks were breaking down rabbits yesterday and mentioned the idea. That seeing a slaughter will change how you handle and respect an animal. One the lead joksters sobered right up and said quietly, “I’ve done that. I’ve been hunting and had to finish the job and then field dress a deer.” Everyone worked a little sharper after that. I hope it lasts, otherwise I’m going to find one of our local farmers and arrange a trip. Heck, I should do that anyway.

    Comment by Bryan C. Andregg — August 24, 2007 #

  3. I appreciate what you have said about having respect for the animals that are slaughtered and how wasting parts of their bodies distances all of us from exactly what it is we are consuming. I especially like that you referred to the slaughtered lamb as “she,” and not “it” as most people would have. That being said, I still have some sort of weird emotional barrier that tells me that it’s wrong to eat someone’s nose, head, tongue, etc. I know it’s conditioning. How can respectful carnivores get past that barrier?

    Comment by Kelly — August 30, 2007 #

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