Comments on: Fight for your right for Foie Gras!!!! Chef Chris Cosentino's guide to all good guts. Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:28:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: To Domestic Terrorists: “Stop or be Stopped” « Wine Chef To Domestic Terrorists: “Stop or be Stopped” « Wine Chef Tue, 26 Aug 2008 05:20:22 +0000 [...] are being terrorized and their lives are being threatened by these ignorant fucks. We need to do something and we need to fight this. We need to support these chefs and farmers that are infinately more [...] [...] are being terrorized and their lives are being threatened by these ignorant fucks. We need to do something and we need to fight this. We need to support these chefs and farmers that are infinately more [...]

By: Amy Amy Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:08:15 +0000 What a load of crap! Is this where the mass marketing of meat in America has finally taken us? I believe that every McDonald's-hamburger-eating idiot out there should be made to WALK the length of Kansas or Oklahoma and count the number of cattle rotting away in disgusting mass feedlots, wading through their own crap to the troughs to ingest another antibiotic-laden meal of ground up corn and animal parts, mixed in with equal amounts of bird-crap from all the winged scavengers who alight on the edges to scam a free meal. And people are up-in-arms about a few lucky ducks' oversized livers? Gimmeabreak! Wake up, Americans - real food was alive somewhere before it made its way onto your place - even the vegetables had to be picked. F/G farming is a humane drop in the bucket compared to what else is going on out there. What a load of crap! Is this where the mass marketing of meat in America has finally taken us? I believe that every McDonald’s-hamburger-eating idiot out there should be made to WALK the length of Kansas or Oklahoma and count the number of cattle rotting away in disgusting mass feedlots, wading through their own crap to the troughs to ingest another antibiotic-laden meal of ground up corn and animal parts, mixed in with equal amounts of bird-crap from all the winged scavengers who alight on the edges to scam a free meal. And people are up-in-arms about a few lucky ducks’ oversized livers? Gimmeabreak! Wake up, Americans – real food was alive somewhere before it made its way onto your place – even the vegetables had to be picked. F/G farming is a humane drop in the bucket compared to what else is going on out there.

By: Joyce Joyce Sun, 17 Dec 2006 19:38:37 +0000 Gosh, Chris, why don't you tell us what you REALLY think? Seriously, though, this is a step on the slippery slope that we've all got to stop in its tracks. I've bookmarked your talking points for use wherever I can. But what can we do here in California? I've already called for a boycott of Whole Foods for its attempt to put Sonoma Foie Gras out of business, but what ELSE can we do? Gosh, Chris, why don’t you tell us what you REALLY think?

Seriously, though, this is a step on the slippery slope that we’ve all got to stop in its tracks. I’ve bookmarked your talking points for use wherever I can. But what can we do here in California? I’ve already called for a boycott of Whole Foods for its attempt to put Sonoma Foie Gras out of business, but what ELSE can we do?

By: Jesse Jesse Thu, 14 Dec 2006 17:58:29 +0000 I really, really like eating fois gras. I can't believe that so-called "activists" are choosing such a battle when there are far worse acts of true animal cruelty to worry about. Thank you for providing a source of debunking information. I hope that more people read it! I really, really like eating fois gras. I can’t believe that so-called “activists” are choosing such a battle when there are far worse acts of true animal cruelty to worry about.

Thank you for providing a source of debunking information. I hope that more people read it!
